Friday, December 12, 2014

"All Marriages are Same Sex, You Get Married, & Every Night it's the SAME SEX"

      I completely agree with VyVy's blog Homophobia is a Social Disease!, I like how she said "The constitution should be amended to keep up with the current times," she is absolutely right, people are so stuck in what life was like before the 20th century. The world is constantly changing, the first 10 amendments in The Constitution are supposed to respect our rights as people but as you can see those rights are getting took from us every day whether it be directly or indirectly. People are so stuck in the past that the future may never even have a chance to change.
        People should respect same sex marriage. What effect does two guys getting married to each other have on your life? Are you not going to be able to sleep at night knowing that people of the same sex are able to get married in Texas? As people we tend to judge first instead of just accepting someone for who they are and what they believe in. The It Gets Better Program has highlighted some of the violence and bullying young people suffer just because they are gay. Violence should never be the answer especially if the people are doing no harm to you. Research does not show that kids who grow up with two of the same sex parents do bad in school, or are more likely to be depressed or any of those bizarre things. So my question again is, why does it matter so much? We should learn how to just respect people's choices.

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